Clinical Denials — White Papers on Medical Billing & Coding

Clinical Denials

Resolving Medical Necessity Denials - Role of Coding and Clinical Documentation

Resolving Medical Necessity Denials - Role of Coding and Clinical Documentation

Providers may come across varying degrees of medical necessity denials on their reimbursement claims, based on the payers and the plans they work with.

Six Aspects of an Effective Denial Prevention Program

Six Aspects of an Effective Denial Prevention Program

Increasing claim write-offs and decreasing success in denial appeals amplify the already sad state of the financials of hospitals and healthcare systems caused by the current labor shortage and trend of declining reimbursements. Shouldn't hospitals be focusing on denial prevention rather than denial recovery? Here are six tips to help you get ahead in the denials game and recover more revenue.

Don't be in Denial - Strategies to improve Cashflow from your hospital A/R

Don't be in Denial - Strategies to improve Cashflow from your hospital A/R

From scheduling patient appointments to denial resolution, each step in the revenue cycle must ensure data integrity to avoid claim denials and rework. This whitepaper looks at some of the strategies you can adopt to create value from your revenue cycle.